
David B. Hayrapetyan

Assoc. Prof. Dr., Head of the Laboratory

David B. Hayrapetyan

email: [email protected], [email protected]

Professional Interests:
Semiconductor nanostructures, Quantum Optics, Quantum Information 

He has authored/co-authored more than 90 scholarly articles that have garnered 820+ citations across 400+ documents, boasting an impressive h-index of 20. 

Honours and awards: 
•    Winner of the “Highly Effective Young Researchers Under 35 age” (Top 50) competition initiated by State Committee of Science of Armenia (2016);
•    Winner of the “Highly Effective Young Researchers Under 35 age” (Top 50) competition initiated by State Committee of Science of Armenia (2017)
•    ICO/ICTP Galliano Denardo International Award - “for his breakthrough contributions to the theory of semiconductor nanosystems, as well as his promotion of optics and photonics in Armenia under difficult circumstances” (2021)

Scientific Profiles:
Google Scholar:
Scopus ID: 