Oxygen/Nitrogen/Hydrogen Analyzer - ELEMENTRAC ONH‑p 2 (ELTRA Elemental Analyzers, Germany)

Oxygen/Nitrogen/Hydrogen Analyzer - ELEMENTRAC ONH‑p 2 (ELTRA Elemental Analyzers, Germany)

Description: The elements oxygen, nitrogen and hydrogen are determined in the ELEMENTRAC ONH-p 2 series via inert gas fusion. Metallic or ceramic samples are melted in the electrode furnace and the reaction gases CO2, N2 and H2 are measured in up to two infrared measuring cells and one thermal conductivity cell.


Defined Elements: oxygen (2xO, 0.1-200 ppm O | 50 ppm - 2% O); nitrogen (+2xN, 0.1-200 ppm N | 10 ppm - 2% N-SR); hydrogen (+2xH, 0.1 - 50 ppm H | 20-1000 ppm H)

Sample types: inorganic

Sample carrier: graphite crucibles

Detection method: solid state infrared absorption for oxygen, thermal conduction for nitrogen and hydrogen

Sample weight: up to 2 g

Typical analysis time: 2-3 min

Furnace type: pulse, up to 3000 °C