High Speed Temperature Scanner (HSTS-1,2,3)
Main characteristics of the HSTS equipment
HSTS-1 |
HSTS-2 |
HSTS-3 |
Heater |
Ni foil with 100mkm thickness |
Carbon strip |
Temperature range |
20¸1300 օC |
20¸2000 օC |
Heating rate |
up to 7500 օ/min |
10¸10000 օ/min |
Cooling rate |
up to 12000 օ/min |
up to 30000 օ/min |
Gas pressure |
10-5¸1 atm |
10-5¸10 atm |
Frequency |
50 Hz |
Appearance of Samples |
powder |
thin pellet (50 mg) with a diameter of 1x5 mm |
Mass of sample |
5-50 mg |
5-100 mg |
The HSTS-1 and HSTS-2 operations are based on the direct electric heating of thin metallic foil heater, where the small amount of powder is placed inside the middle part of the nickel envelope. And in case of the HSTS-3 model, the sample in the form of a thin pellet is placed in a carbon strip heater.
The heating takes place by electric current with scheduled temperature-time profile provided by PC-assisted controller. Typical heating curve for the inert experiment demonstrates linear behavior, while ascents and descents appear on the reactive profile. The deviations are indicating exo- or endothermic processes proceeding in the reactive mixture. The reaction onset temperature (To), the maximum peak temperature observed during self-heating (Tmax) and the temperature prescribed by linear heating, where the maximum exothermic effect is observed (T*), are determined from the heating curves.
The setup allows to automatically interrupt the process by switching off the electric current at different characteristic stages. Thereupon, high cooling rates are achieved, practically excluding possible interactions over the cooling stage.